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Storage Unit Size Guide
Selecting the right storage unit size is important, our office managers are here to assist you. Each of our locations offer a variety of sizes and prices to meet your storage needs. Please note our unit sizes vary by location. For a list of sizes at each location please visit each location's page.
When can I access my unit?All tenants have 24/7 access through a gated entry.
What types of leases are offered?Our leases are month-to-month. We do offer a discount if you decide to pay a year in advance. We also have a multi-unit discount. Please ask your storage manager for more details.
What are my payment options?We offer several conveneint ways to pay: - Mouthly autopay - Online payments - Mailing in payments - Stop in our office to make payment during business hours - Drop payment in our drop box after hours Rent is due on the 1st of each month. Any payment received after the 5th of the month will be charged a late fee.
Do I need to insure the contents of my storage unit?No, we do not require your contents to be insured. However, we do highly recommend insurance. Also, please note that we have no insurance that covers your contents in anyway.
Do I need to bring my own storage lock?You are more than welcome to bring your own storage lock or purchase a lock from us.
I no longer need my storage what?We require tenants to give a 10 day prior to moving out. Please make sure to move out on or before the last day of the month to prevent the next month being owed. Move outs are not prorated.
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